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Where has the time gone?

Except for minor alterations on my sister's dress and sewing the patches onto my denim jacket, I haven't done ANY sewing this summer!

Mostly that's because I've been working my usual part-time job on top of being a part-time intern at a local non-profit! Sunday evenings got thrown out because of weekly Dungeons & Dragons sessions with my high school friends (no regrets there, though), and I spent a week in New York.

So you could say I've been busy.

I'll be going back to campus in about two weeks, so I'm going to pack a few small projects to work on during my free time and my desk shifts. The current plan is to start with an embroidered reticule, then move on to an embroidered fichu! I'm also going to bring my chemise to finish because that seriously should not have been as much trouble as it is.

I've also made a few vintage buys this summer, so keep an eye out for a summer haul post!

This blog has an Instagram account now too - find me at @whennnow


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