As much as I hate being away from home 8 months out of the year and not being able to sew, it does have the upside of giving me plenty of time to research, plan, and re-plan everything I do!
So my Regency Wardrobe begins again.
I'm aiming for everything to fall into an 1795-1805 range, which is pretty specific, but it's because A) the things I already have fit into that category, and B) after about 1805 you start to lose the fabric between the neckline and the sleeve, and I Am Not About That. So new plan:
- chemise
- short stays (just about finished)
- petticoat (not bodiced)
- white dress (drawstring, not bib-front)
- morning dress (one I already made, though I'll need to fix the neckline a bit)
- spencer and shawl
- reticule and gloves (I have short gloves, but will need to buy longer ones)
- fichu and chemisette
- bonnet
- slippers and stockings (both likely bought, not made)
- necklace (I already have a pearl necklace, but I'd like a "coral" one)
(In the future I can expand by making an apron, a bib-front gown, an evening overdress, etc, and I can continue to make accessories to mix and match!)

This is my morning dress worn over my mostly-finished stays, with a shawl, not-so-accurate necklace, and bad hair. I really wanted to get a Christmas-y photo, though, and I'm pleased with how it turned out! I'll posted edited pictures in a write up on the dress after I lower the neckline.
So my short stays and morning dress are already mostly done. This summer I'm aiming to finish those, make the chemise and petticoat, and make the two shawls I have into one very long one within the first week or so. I'm taking a week break between getting back from campus and going back to work just for this. The rest of the summer will be spent on the white dress. Near the end of the summer I'll prep stuff for the fichu, chemisette, and reticule and take them back to campus with me to hand sew & embroider while I'm at work. Then, ideally, I can crank out the spencer over winter break, finish things up over spring break, and be done by next summer!
That's being REALLY hopeful though. Over the summer I'll also be working part time and doing a part time internship, so I'll definitely be busy!
Expect a post in mid- to late- May regarding that first week!